Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thankful For a Classmate!

I am thankful for a lot, if not all of the people in my English class. There's not one specific person I have to choose and to assure everyone is mentioned, while keeping this blog simple, I will list them all.

Cecillia, Maggie, Gloria, and Sarah - I mentioned these girls first because they sit right behind me in class, and majorly called on or answering a question. Whenever Mr.McCarthy is responding to one of their answers it's sometimes humorous, happens most often to them. 

Jan, Odin, Lauren, Evan, and Josh - These five, if I'm correct went through the academic center here at Whitney Young, and are taking the same classes, if not higher than I am.  Honestly the classroom wouldn't be the same without them as they answer about 50% of the questions and have unique personalities.

Brashana, Martyna, Nayeli, Lawrie, Emma, And Michelle - I can't say much about these girls because I hardly speak to them, but whenever they're answering a question, or is called on by Mr.McCarthy, The answer is almost always flawless and without hesitation, and I admire that.

Jalen, Erik P, and Eric E - I think these three sit in the same row. Even so, they're very good in group assignments and constructive with the writing edits. Great personalities too.

Nathan, Dan, Juan, Jake, and Owen - These guys are very open to letting me join their group work assignments although I hardly speak to them. They work very well and super efficient and can be on question 6 by the time I'm done writing question 3 (not like they ditch me but I just write slow).

Andrew and Lansing -Out of the entire classroom, these two are the people I talk to often, and outside of the classroom. Lansing is very helpful in Geometry and entertaining at our table. Andrew is in my homeroom, and is my new locker partner (although I didn't have one last year!) overall he is a cool guy.

Erik G. - I remember in Geometry when Erik asked me if I thought he was obnoxious in English. As I said then still remains. I singled Erik out because he's the life of the classroom and makes English entertaining. He also gave me the idea to write about everyone, so thanks Erik.

Davonte - Wrote about myself because I said entire classroom. Most down to earth person I know :) .

Mr.McCarthy - My favorite Teacher this school year. Coming from Mr.Tejano's class last year I really despised English and thought this class would be painful. However; Mr.McCarthy's way of teaching is really upbeat that he managed to make my worst subject, my favorite class (also helped me with remembering everyone's names and correct spelling from the blog links).

Reader - Whether you are or not in my classroom, I am thankful that you took about 3 minutes of your life to read my blog. Hope I didn't miss anyone. Happy Thanksgiving!