Sunday, October 26, 2014



            Ernest Hemingway lived a life others can only dream to have. His impact on American Literature is one that will never be forgotten. Hemingway's work helped pave Literature into an entire new definition and inspired others to make more out of their own works. Ironically about Hemingway was throughout his competitions, his fame, and his abilities, Hemingway was a Nihilist; meaning he believed life is meaningless.
         Back then Hemingway was considered one of the most relevant Celebrities of his time, like the Beyonce of today. He said himself his writings included an Ice burg theory; only showing you the tip of the surface in his writings, but have the reader go below and conclude about the rest of it himself. And because Hemingway's writings mirrored his life, everyone back then and even today tries to truly understand what his work meant in Hemingway's mind. Most of his stories involved masculinity and could reflect on himself that he didn't have much when he was a child considering his mother often made him feel feminine.
        Hemingway's personal life often included a wife or mistress by his side. I believe this made him feel less like he was by himself like he would be when he wrote. When he received his noble literature prize he said the words "There is no lonelier man when writing, except for suicide." which could help his fans/ modern readers understand what happens behind the books. Sadly, Hemingway did the unspeakable when he became lonelier than a man when writing, after he became depressed after trying to be a perfectionist.   Ernest Hemingway, made an entire mark on Literature before his passing and will never be forgotten. I think his legacy is one that contained irony, sadness, an even ambition that could be passed from generation to generation.